Monday, May 3, 2010

Do you believe in life after death?

I do believe in life after death. The thought of all that I have gathered in experience just disappearing would make me feel like life had no meaning and that would just depress me. Though I am open to the idea that finding meaning is just a coping skill and something that our brains are crazy good at. I am not sure what happens after death but I do enjoy pondering all of the possibilities. One of my theories is that we are recycled like the water. Sometimes an individual drop...sometimes one with the sea...its all very cyclical. I also imagine it's a lot like the movie What Dreams May Come with Robyn Williams. One small little trick Jesus and the Egyptian were trying to let us in on, is that if your heart is heavy it will sink when you return to the source. Yeah...I am sure there are some true sins out there but most of us just get weighed down by our own guilt over things that are not really sins at all. Most religious institutions have made being human a sin. They have created a lot of guilty heavy hearts. In my book to get in the way of someones enlightenment like that is more likely a sin then masturbating. Point being if your heart weighs light, then the other side is pretty sweat. Sometime I call the other side Manifestationland. To prepare for Manifestationland I feel it is helpful to try to remember who and what I am and to practice focusing on love, as to not spiral downward into a hellish head trips. In this existence you have things like friends, Prozac, and a shared reality to pull your head out of hell. What if there you only have your own consciousness to rely on (scary I know).

I don't know...maybe, on the other side we throw all our experiences into the big God melting pot, then get mind wiped, and then sent out again to collect more data. Or perhaps I get to keep what I have learned, keep myself, keep evolving, til I am a demi god/dess, or til I realize I am God/dess it's self. (A friend who studies Tibetan Buddhism told me that in his belief a God is as far away from escaping the incarnation wheel as an ant, that is why being a human is so special, it is the only form that can escape out of the incarnation wheel).

My thoughts on death have definitely been influenced by Jesus, Egypt, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Theosophy, Sylvia Brown, and my friends. Also Carolyn Miss who says that "archetypes are more ancient then matter itself" and my husband who says "beware of the sharks right after you die" and "that if you make it pass the sharks you are most likely destine to be food for the God you worship". This essay could just be one big selfish rant, that stems from my ego's quest to live forever and to know all there is to know. Is it not this kind of thinking that separates man from monkey? Sometime I think go back to your trees monkey man, be happy with your bananas. Then I think...'s our destiny to live amongst the stars (I want my own spaceship). Do gorillas worry about this shit? What about gorillas on mushrooms...I digress. Anywho, one of my fears is... and what I would almost bet my money that it will just be more of the same. Just like growing up...a lot more responsibility but a lot more of the same. Maybe because we can do a lot more damage then the apes we have a lot more to answer for. I just hope the aliens don't come back and say "What...we told you to take care of the garden". And we'll say "whoops...we though you said do with this place as you please and believe in the correct god". Whooo... and in true Anaspaceship form we have zeewwee off into a different subject. Next time on Anaspaceship's mind "What will the aliens say when they get here?"...don dan don daaaaaa

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